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2 rooms apartments daily Dnipro, Shevchenkivskyi district, Vyacheslava Lipinskogo St., 9 — 166826271

4 guests 2 rooms Dnipro, Vyacheslava Lipinskogo St., 9 View on the map
2 rooms apartments daily Dnipro, Shevchenkivskyi district, Vyacheslava Lipinskogo St., 9 — 166826271
1300 UAH/day Last modified 02.06.2024 year
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Ищите комфортную квартиру люкс уровня в самом центре города?
Тогда бронируйте эти апартаменты прямо сейчас!

Квартира в самом сердце города Днепропетровска отличается атмосферой размеренной жизни, уютом и респектабельностью.

Современный минимализм с легким этническим колоритом, утонченность и функциональность – такова концепция интерьера apartments. Здесь есть все, чтоб вы получили достойный отдых. А удобное расположение apartments не позволит вам скучать, ведь здесь обилие торговых центров, магазинов, кафе, баров и ресторанов.
Ждем Вас!


In the kitchen

  • Gas stove
  • Refrigerator
  • Electric kettle
  • Microwave cooker
  • Baking oven
  • Air conditioner

In the bathroom

  • Bath-tub
  • Blow dryer

Entertainment and multimedia

  • WiFi
  • Cable television
  • TV set


  • Armored front door

Laundry and linen

  • Washing-machine
  • Iron

Amenities outside

  • Parking lot
  • Balcony

Call the owner for all lease details

on since 2015 year

Residense Regulations

Arrival:after 2:00 PM
Departure:before 12:00 AM
24-hour accommodation
The keys are Inside the apartment
It is necessary Guest's identity papers needed
Minimal Lease period is1 night
Minimal booking period for New Year holidaysDoes not change
Minimal booking period for May holidaysDoes not change
Minimal booking period for summer seasonDoes not change
Price includes accommodation4 guests
Guest supplement: 100 UAH
Prepayment: 1300 UAH
Insurance deposit: 1500 UAH
Hosting festive events is possible
Age limit21+
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1300 UAH/dayLast modified 02.06.2024 year Does the owner give a different price?
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2 persons
1 person
2 persons
3 persons
4 persons
Guaranteed check-in if payment is made on the site
Call the owner for all lease details
+38 (066) 0... Show
+38 (066) 110-15-44
Owner: Aleksandr
on since: 26.01.2015
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Availability calendar

Calendar Conventions

free housing
housing is occupied

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Price per night 1300 UAH
2 persons
1 person
2 persons
3 persons
4 persons
Guaranteed check-in if payment is made on the site
Accommodation guarantee When booking through the site

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